Radio Telescopes

ALMA (12m; 7m), Observing Frequency: 84-950 GHz, Proposal Deadline: March
APEX (12 m), Observing Frequency: >1 mm, Proposal Deadline: February, August
MeerKAT, baseline 20m-8km; frequency 580-1015 MHz (UHF), 900-1670 MHz (L), 1750-3500 MHz (S), Proposal Deadline: May
VLA (27 × 25 m), Observing Frequency: 0.058-50 GHz, Proposal Deadline: February, August . In the future ngVLA
VLBA, Observing Frequency: 0.312-90 GHz, Proposal Deadline: February, August
IRAM-30 m, Observing Frequency: 3, 2, 1, & 0.9 mm, Proposal Deadline: March, September
NOEMA (12 × 15 m), Observing Frequency: 3(100), 2(150), 1(300) mm (GHz), Proposal Deadline: March, September
ANTF: ATCA, Parkes, LBA, Mopra, Tidbinbilla 70-m and 34-m antennas, ASKAP, deadline: Mid June, December
SMA (8 × 6 m), Observing Frequency: 180-420 GHz, Proposal Deadline: Early March, September
Effelsberg-100 m, Observing Frequency: 0.3-90 GHz, Proposal Deadline: Early February, June, October
GBT (100 m), Observing Frequency: 1.15-115.3 GHz, Proposal Deadline: February, August
ARO: SMT-10 m, 211-720 GHz, KP-12 m, 84-116 GHz, Proposal deadline:
Onsala 20m: 67-87 GHz, Proposal deadline: October
Yebes 40m: 67-87 GHz, Proposal deadline: Janauary
KVN: Korean VLBI Network
Tianma (TMRT-65 m)
FAST, Proposal deadline: May 15


ATLASGAL: The APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy
ATOMIUM: ALMA tracing the origins of molecules forming dust in oxygen-rich M-type stars
BAaDE: SiO masers in the Galactic bulge and inner Galaxy
BeSSeL: The Bar And Spiral Structure Legacy Survey
CORNISH: Co-Ordinated Radio 'N' Infrared Survey for High-mass star formation
FEEDBACK: SOFIA legacy program to study stellar feedback in HMSFRs
GALAH: Galactic Archaeology with HERMES, Anglo-Australian Telescope, providing spectra, stellar atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances
GLOSTAR: The Global view on Star formation in the Milky Way
MAGPIS: The Multi-Array Galactic Plane Imaging Survey
MALT90: Millimetre Astronomy Legacy Team 90 GHz
The SARAO MeerKAT 1.3 GHz Galactic Plane Survey, Goedhart et al. (2024)
A Catalogue of Galactic Supernova Remnants, SNRcat: - High Energy Observations of Galactic Supernova Remnants
SEDIGISM: Structure, Excitation and Dynamics of the Inner Galactic Interstellar Medium
SHRDS: The Southern HII Region Discovery Survey, ATCA, 4-6 & 8-10 GHz continuum and recombination line survey
THOR: The HI/OH/Recombination line survey of the Milky Way
The WISE Catalog of Galactic HII Regions
3D Dust Mapping with Pan-STARRS 1, 2MASS and Gaia